Quote Request Sent
Name: Carl Samans
Company: We Be Plants
Phone: (410) 708-8243
Email: boildkitty@gmail.com
Season/Requested Delivery: Want them RIGHT STINKIN’ NOW!!!
Comments: Just kidding. Don’t want these at all. What I’d really like is for the email to go through where it should….
Qty | Variety | Size |
1 | Abies concolor | 10′ |
1 | Abies concolor | 12′ |
16 | Abies nordmanniana | 8′ |
5 | Chamaecyparis obtusa’Nana Gracilis’ | 48″ |
7 | Gleditsia triacan. in. ‘Skyline’ | 2″ |
20 | Ilex x meserveae ‘Blue Princess’ | 30″ |
25 | Ligustrum ovalifolium | 2′ |