Mission Statement
Angelica Nurseries produces landscape grade woody ornamental plants for use in the professional nursery trade. We strive to provide plants that are of the highest quality and best value to our customers, throughout the entire growing season. Years of expertise in refining our horticultural practices produces a plant that has greater ‘livability’ in today`s sustainable landscapes.
We realize that we need to be stewards of the land and protect our environment. By incorporating best management practices (BMP) and integrated pest management (IPM) we are able to reduce our impact on our surroundings. We work closely with local agencies to improve our soil conservation and water use efficiency.
This industry is a labor intensive process. As such we realize that our employees are a vital part of our success. We strive to provide a challenging but rewarding work environment for those who choose a career in the green industry. We are a family owned and operated business and feel that our family extends to our dedicated employees.

Introduction to Angelica Nurseries
The competitive nursery industry demands our customers be provided with the finest plant material for their sales yards or landscape projects. Through selection and propagation of better plant types, we believe we have accomplished much toward this end. At Angelica, we believe our plants have a better future because we give them a better start.
Beginning with observation and selection of specific cultivars, Angelica propagates those plants from proven performers here at the nursery. Over 80 percent of our seedlings, rooted cuttings and grafts come from Angelica’s own stock plants with the balance coming from suppliers who share our dedication to lasting quality.
Optimum growing environments are created for each crop matching cultivar requirements with site characteristics. Transplants are moved to their final locations growing to their desired harvest specifications in three to twelve years, depending on crop and harvest sizes.
An important success factor of our plant material is measured through the ability of the plant to withstand transplanting and to adapt quickly to a new root environment. Angelica root prunes over 1500 acres of nursery stock to a schedule that is crop specific. It is this attention to the production of a fine, dense root mass that results in landscape specimens that are well suited for relocation.
History of Angelica Nurseries

Original Angelica Nurseries home farm in Angelica, Pennsylvania
Angelica Nurseries Inc. is a family-owned and operated corporation. The Kohl family was involved in the landscaping business in Pennsylvania in the 1930’s. Thomas Kohl, Jr. recognized the need for quality specimen plants for commercial and residential plantings. This need for material drove the business to become more supply oriented.
In 1956, 300 acres of farmland was purchased in Kent County, Maryland. The farm name, Angelica, was transferred from the family home farm located near Reading, Pennsylvania. The driving force behind the move was the search for a soil type and climate for the B & B product. The Sassafras silt loam prevalent on the Angelica farms is a light alluvium with enough clay to make a clean, firm ball of earth. The climatic zone is a zone 6 to 6b and allows a longer growing season than what was previously experienced.